+44 (0)1993 835117

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Interim Management

XISTGroup is here to help for those short-term or long- term assignments.

Let us take your worries away…

Having problems finding the right person to fill your short term interim assignments or needs? Being a busy bee?


Let XISTGroup take the sting out by helping you find the right people from its pool of resource.


XISTGroup’s Interim Management provides talented interims across a broad range of UK business sectors.


Our interims are not only well qualified to undertake a traditional temporary role, they are also able to assist in a variety of roles.


XISTGroup’s interims will typically fill senior roles within an organisation.


Our interims bring the following qualities and attributes to each assignment:


  • Adaptable: by quickly becoming productive in demanding environments, with a focus on delivery;


  • Networked: by building relationships, establishing credibility and adding value to the organisation;


  • Responsible: by joining the management team and taking executive responsibility (with accountability to client management);


  • Realistic: by addressing the time constraints faced by permanent staff;


  • Dispassionate: by operating in an objective manner – independent of the surrounding working environment;


  • Knowledgeable: by bringing wisdom, talent and experience from similar previous roles.


So why not contact us today to let us help resolve your headaches, or call us on 01993 835 117

Interim Management