+44 (0)1993 835117

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Technology is constantly evolving. Technology and the successful exploitation of it can deliver competitive advantage.



In keeping with the experience built up in the IT sector by our consultants, we are able to offer advice to clients on a broad range of issues including, but not limited to procurement, IT and Information Systems Strategy and Technology. Where procurement of new platforms and systems is required, XISTGroup can assist with supplier selection, contract negotiation, post acquisition service and supplier management.


Exploitation of information and knowledge, particularly relating to customers, is key to modern business success. XISTGroup consultants have advised on corporate information strategy, the enhancement of existing information systems and the procurement and implementation of new systems into our clients existing systems and operations.


Technology is constantly evolving. Technology and the successful exploitation of it can deliver competitive advantage. The risks associated with failed technology adoption are great.


XIST Group can advise Clients on the best way to exploit and adopt new technology thereby assisting our Clients to achieve their business aims and objectives whilst minimising inherent risks.
